Parent Child Interaction TherapyParent Child Interaction Therapy is an evidenced-based counseling practice for children ages 3-7 that focuses on improving the caregiver-child relationship and increasing positive child behaviors. PCIT is a 12-24 session counseling intervention which teaches caregivers specific behavior management techniques they can use as they play with their children.
Caregivers are taught specific responses that are sup-ported and coached through counseling intervention by one of our trained therapists. These responses, referred to as PRIDE skills (Praise, Reflect, Imitate, Describe, Enthusiasm), work to enhance the parent-child relation-ship. As these skills are gradually mastered, the clinician then coaches the parents/caregivers on the use of effective commands, strategies, and specific behavior-management techniques, they can use to play with their children in a manner that encourages the use of positive behaviors in real-world settings. At a Child’s World outpatient services, parents receive real-time and direct hands-on therapeutic skills to assist their children with daily behavioral struggles. PCIT builds self-confidence, improves family relations, and decreases defiant out-bursts. |